Cassoulet Volunteer Day

I don't know when the last time is that you painted a ship or when you had a great cassoulet; but I do know that this Saturday could be the next time for both!” was the pitch that created a great volunteer day on Sat 11/19/16.  Frenchman Nicolas Anderson of Red Hook offered to cook and serve free cassoulet for workers. Nicolas also recruited several French folks so we had bilingual workers… 18 adults and 12 students thanks to the Stuyvesant HS Environmental Club, all of them freshmen.

First came lots of prep work.

Thanks to our chef Nicolas Anderson who made this event come together. It was a great feed.

Cassoulet was enjoyed by all! Including Chiclet.

Thanks to International Marine Paint who has donated all the paint for the MARY this year! 


We had local Red Hook folks, lots of French folks thanks to Frenchman Nicolas Anderson, and the Stuyvesant HS youth, who recruited one freshman from Brooklyn Tech.